Immigration Panel:
Seeking Refuge How Stories Can Save Us
On Thursday evening, April 21, 7 to 8:30 pm. Please join us for this free, community conversation hosted by St. Peter's Episcopal Church and sponsored by CWC and CWC North.
Our panelists will share the power of story in the lives of refugees and immigrants by referring to experiences and insights from their lives and their family's lives.
A question and answer session will follow the discussion.
The Episcopal Diocese has relaxed the mask mandate, we will welcome you masked or unmasked. Registration with CWC for this event, is recommended but no longer required.
Parking is across from St. Peter's Episcopal Church on 7th Street; tickets can be validated in the church. For those with mobility issues, the church is accessible by ramp. Come though the garden to left of the church. .
Joseph Bathanti – NC Poet Laureate, 2012-2014; Professor, Dept. of English, McFarlane Family Distinguished Prof. in Interdisciplinary Ed., Appalachian State University, et.al. 18 Award Winning Publications of Poetry, Non-Fiction, Novels; LSU press publication in March, 2022 of Light at the Seam: Poems, https://today.appstate.edu/2018/05/02/bathanti
Diya Abdo – Professor of English, Guilford College, Greensboro, NC, Founder of Every Campus A Refuge (ECAR); J.M. Kaplan Fund’s Innovation Prize Awardee (2021), 2018 Finalist for the Arab Hope Makers Award, et.al. Forthcoming Book – American Refugee: True Stories of the Refugee Experience, TEDTalk here, https://www.guilford.edu/profile/abdod
Banu Valladares – Executive Director at Charlotte Bilingual Preschool, former: N.C. Humanities Council, N.C. Arts Council, Program Director for Literature, Outreach and cARTwheels, Director of Community Arts Education. https://bilingualpreschool.org
Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/banu-valladares/
Gilda Morina Syverson – Author, Poet, Artist, Educator; former Queens University of Charlotte instructor; Award Winning publications in prose and poetry have appeared in the United States and Canada including Nominee for the Ragan Old North State Award for Nonfiction, et.al. for her memoir My Father’s Daughter, From Rome to Sicily www.gildasyverson.com