In Partnership with MUGS Coffee - LIVE Event for CWC Members and non-members to read their work on the fourth Friday of the month from 6:45pm - 9pm. Registration is limited to 12 readers. Each reader will have 7 minutes to read their work.
(You do not need to register to come to listen and support your fellow writers.)
If you register to read you must agree to the following:
You will purchase something - this is how we support Mugs.
You will respect this is a business and public place and part of the skill building experience is to block out distractions. You are not allowed to ask the staff or other customers to be quiet.
You agree to the considerations listed. If you are unsure if what you want to read is allowed, you will review it with your host before you read.

Reading at Open Mic Night affords club members and non-members an opportunity to share what they have written and gain experience reading in public. Please understand that this is NOT a publicity event for our authors. The goal is to support our members as they practice reading in public.
Before registering please read the following policy adopted by unanimous vote of the CWC executive board on February 5, 2024, A completed registration serves as your agreement to abide by these rules.
All work must be original and must be read by the author. All readers must be mindful that this event is open to a general audience, which may include minors, and we do not want anyone to feel excluded, offended, or attacked. Although some material may deal with mature or provocative subjects, it must be suitable for a general audience and appropriate for all ages. Open Mic Night is not a forum for religious or political debate, nor is it a place for stand-up comedy, pornography, obscenity, racism, sexism, or personal rants of any kind. We expect readers to provide a receptive, supportive audience for one another. While a writer’s material and point of view are open to different interpretations, please show respect to the writer and the work. Any violation of these guidelines whether as a reader or as a member of the audience will result in the offender being cleared from the stage or audience. Repeated offenses will result in the member being banned from future sessions and/or being dismissed as a member of CWC.